Mithu Electronics & Computer Systems represents a large number of reputed international manufacturers and suppliers for a variety of computer products since its debut in 1999. From the very beginning our motto has been “CUSTOMER FIRST” ! For the quality service, our Customer Service Department has earned the satisfaction and trust of our respected clients. Our objective is to create a friendly, warm atmosphere for our clients, which allows them to choose and buy their computers according to their individual tastes and requirements. The efforts of the company are adequately supported by Importation, Assembling, Hardware Engineering, Software Development, Material Procurement & Quality Control, "Mithu Electrinics & Computer Systems" generating innovative ideas and developing quality products.
We will maximize long-term return through performance, innovation, and leadership. We will build long-term customer relationships, trust, and loyalty through responsiveness, innovation, flexibility, and value-added superior performance.
We will develop and maintain relationships with suppliers and subcontractors, based on mutual fairness and trust that reward performance, services, and loyalty.
After sales services are also very efficient and sensitive to the customer’s needs. At every stage, the customer is informed and his/her decision is evaluated and is respected as much as possible. The customer service personnel are always open to new, innovative ideas. Logistical services include repair maintenance facilities such as prompt troubleshooting and extend external flow of support, which deemed necessary at any moment.
Permanent maintenance personnel ensure that the tools are in good condition. Mithu Electonics & Computer Systems is also very concerned about maintaining the after sales service commitment, in order to uphold its image.
Show Room
Mithu Electronics & Computer Systems
20, 21 Zila Parishad Market (1st Floor)
In Front of K.C College, Jhenaidah-7300
Mobile: 01714 026799, 01614 026799 | Email:
Show Room
Computer View
Post Office More, Sher-e Bangla Sarak, Jhenaidah-7300
Mobile: 01771 131243 | Email:
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